Machine generated contents note: -- 1. Toward 'a full juice of meaning': Eliot's Christian Poetics in Practice2. The Present Unattended: 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' and The Waste Land3. 'For thy closer contact': 'Gerontion,' 'The Hollow Men,' and Ash-Wednesday: Six Poems4. On Turning and Not-Turning: Ash-Wednesday: Six Poems and A Song for Simeon5. The Letter, the Body, and the Spirit: Animula and Ash-Wednesday: Six Poems6. 'The Ecstasy of Assent' (and Ascent): Marina, Triumphal March, and The Cultivation of Christmas Trees
"This is the second in a series of three books beginning with a study of the poet's debts to Lancelot Andrewes and culminating with a forthcoming commentary on Four Quartets. Here, G. Douglas Atkins reveals specific differences between Eliot's pre-1927 poems and those he wrote following conversion to Anglo-Catholicism, differences reflective of inchoate understanding developed, purified, and fulfilled. 'Stunning' readings, 'beautifully' rendered, mark the extensive treatment of Ash-Wednesday and the short poems Journey of the Magi, A Song for Simeon, Animula, Marina, Triumphal March, and The Cultivation of Christmas Trees. "--
Eliot, T. S., (Thomas Stearns),1888-1965-- Criticism and interpretation
Eliot, T. S., (Thomas Stearns),1888-1965-- Religion