Anatomical and electrophysiological bases -- The ECG curve : what is it and how does it originate? -- Recording devices and techniques -- ECG interpretation -- Atrial abnormalities -- Ventricular enlargements -- Ventricular blocks -- Ventricular pre-excitation -- Myocardial ischemia and necrosis -- Concepts, classification, and mechanisms of arrhythmias -- ECG patterns in supraventricular arrhythmias -- ECG patterns in active ventricular arrhythmias -- The ECG patterns of passive arrhythmias -- The management of ECG tracings with arrhythmia -- From symptom to the ECG : ECGs in the presence of precordial pain or other symptoms -- The ECG in genetically induced heart diseases and other ECG patterns with poor prognosis -- ECG recordings in other heart diseases and different situations -- Abnormal ECG in a patient with normal history taking and physical exploration and normal ECG in presence of important heart diseases