Guanrong Chen, City University of Hong Kong, China, Xiaofan Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, Xiang Li, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index
Fundamental Theory -- Introduction -- Background and Motivation -- A Brief History of Complex Network Research -- The Königsburg Seven-Bridge Problem -- Random Graph Theory -- Small-World Experiments -- Strengths of Weak Ties -- Heterogeneity and the WWW -- New Era of Complex-Network Studies -- Exercises -- References -- Preliminaries -- Elementary Graph Theory -- Background -- Basic Concepts -- Adjacency, Incidence and Laplacian Matrices -- Degree Correlation and Assortativity -- Some Basic Results on Graphs -- Eulenau and Hamiltonian Graphs -- Plane and Planar Graphs -- Trees and Bipartite Graphs -- Directed Graphs -- Weighted Graphs -- Some Applications -- Elementary Probability and Statistics -- Probability Preliminaries -- Statistics Preliminaries -- Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem -- Markov Chains -- Elementary Dynamical Systems Theory -- Background and Motivation -- Some Analytical Tools -- Chaos in Nonlinear Systems -- Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy -- Some Examples of Chaotic Systems -- Stabilities of Nonlinear Systems -- Exercises -- References -- Network Topologies: Basic Models and Properties -- Introduction -- Regular Networks -- ER Random-Graph Model -- Small-World Network Models -- WS Small-World Network Model -- NW Small-World Network Model -- Statistical Properties of Small-World Network Models -- Navigable Small-World Network Model -- Scale-Free Network Models -- BA Scale-Free Network Model -- Robustness versus Fragility -- Modified BA Models -- A Simple Model with Power-Law Degree Distribution -- Local-World and Multi-Local-World Network Models -- Exercises -- References -- Application-Selected Topics -- Internet: Topology and Modeling -- Introduction -- Topological Properties of the Internet -- Power-Law Node-Degree Distribution -- Hierarchical Structure -- Rich-Club Structure -- Disassortative Property -- Coreness and Betweenness -- Growth of the Internet -- Router-Level Internet Topology -- Geographic Layout of the Internet -- Random-Graph Network Topology Generator -- Structural Network Topology Generators -- Tiers Topology Generator -- Transit-Stub Topology Generator -- Connectivity-Based Network Topology Generators -- Inet -- BRITE Model -- GLP Model -- PFP Model -- TANG Model -- Multi-Local-World Model -- Theoretical Considerations -- Numerical Results with Comparison -- Performance Comparison -- Hot Model -- Dynamical Behaviors of the Internet Topological Characteristics -- Traffic Fluctuation on Weighted Networks -- Weighted Networks -- GRD Model -- Data Traffic Fluctuations -- References -- Epidemic Spreading Dynamics -- Introduction -- Epidemic Threshold Theory -- Epidemic (SI, SIS, SIR) Models -- Epidemic Thresholds on Homogenous Networks -- Statistical Data Analysis -- Epidemic Thresholds on Heterogeneous Networks -- Epidemic Thresholds on BA Networks -- Epidemic Thresholds on Finite-Sized Scale-Free Networks -- Epidemic Thresholds on Correlated Networks -- SIR Model of Epidemic Spreading -- Epidemic Spreading on Quenched Networks -- Epidemic Spreading on Spatial Networks -- Spatial Networks -- Spatial Network Models for Infectious Diseases -- Impact of Spatial Clustering on Disease Transmissions -- Large-Scale Spatial Epidemic Spreading -- Impact of Human Location-Specific Contact Patterns -- Immunization on Complex Networks -- Random Immunization -- Targeted Immunization -- Acquaintance Immunization -- Computer Virus Spreading over the Internet -- Random Constant-Spread Model -- A Compartment-Based Model -- Spreading Models of Email Viruses -- Effects of Computer Virus on Network Topologies -- References -- Community Structures -- Introduction -- Various Scenarios in Real-World Social Networks -- Generalization of Assortativity -- Community Structure and Modularity -- Community Structure -- Modularity -- Modularity of Weighted and Directed Networks -- Modularity-Based Community Detecting Algorithms -- CNM Scheme -- BGLL Scheme -- Multi-Slice Community Detection -- Detecting Spatial Community Structures -- Other Community Partitioning Schemes -- Limitations of the Modularity Measure -- Clique Percolation Scheme -- Edge-Based Community Detection Scheme -- Evaluation Criteria for Community Detection Algorithms -- Some Recent Progress -- References -- Network Games -- Introduction -- Two-Player/Two-Strategy Evolutionary Games on Networks -- Introduction to Games on Networks -- Two-Player/Two-Strategy Games on Regular Lattices -- Two-Player/Two-Strategy Games on BA Scale-Free Networks -- Two-Player/Two-Strategy Games on Correlated Scale-Free Networks -- Two-Player/Two-Strategy Games on Clustered Scale-Free Networks -- Multi-Player/Two-Strategy Evolutionary Games on Networks -- Introduction to Public Goods Game -- Multi-Player/Two-Strategy Evolutionary Games on BA Networks -- Multi-Player/Two-Strategy Evolutionary Games on Correlated Scale-free Networks -- Multi-Player/Two-Strategy Evolutionary Games on Clustered Scale-free Networks -- Adaptive Evolutionary Games on Networks -- References -- Network Synchronization -- Introduction -- Complete Synchronization of Continuous-Time Networks -- Complete Synchronization of General Continuous-Time Networks -- Complete Synchronization of Linearly Coupled Continuous-Time Networks -- Complete Synchronization of Some Typical Dynamicai Networks -- Complete Synchronization of Regular Networks -- Synchronization of Small-World Networks -- Synchronization of Scale-Free Networks -- Complete Synchronization of Local-World Networks -- Phase Synchronization -- Phase Synchronization of the Kuramoto Model -- Phase Synchronization of Small-World Networks -- Phase Synchronization of Scale-Free Networks -- Phase Synchronization of Nonuniformly Coupled Networks -- References -- Network Control -- Introduction -- Spatiotemporal Chaos Control on Regular CML -- Pinning Control of Complex Networks -- Augmented Network Approach -- Pinning Control of Scale-Free Networks -- Pinning Control of General Complex Networks -- Stability Analysis of General Networks under Pinning Control -- Pinning and Virtual Control of General Networks -- Pinning and Virtual Control of Scale-Free Networks -- Time-Delay Pinning Control of Complex Networks -- Consensus and Flocking Control -- References -- Brief Introduction to Other Topics -- Human Opinion Dynamics -- Human Mobility and Behavioral Dynamics -- Web PageRank, SiteRank and Browser Rank -- Methods Based on Edge Analysis -- Methods Using Users' Behavior Data -- Recommendation Systems -- Network Edge Prediction -- Living Organisms and Bionetworks -- Cascading Reactions on Networks -- References