Handbook of real-world applications in modeling and simulation /
edited by John A. Sokolowski, Catherine M. Banks.
1 online resource (459 pages).
Wiley handbooks in operations research and management science
Includes bibliographical references and index
Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Contributors; Preface; Introduction; Contemplating a National Strategy for Modeling and Simulation; Chapter One: Research and Analysis for Real-World Applications; 1.1 Introduction and Learning Objectives; 1.2 Background; 1.3 M & S Theory and Toolbox; 1.4 Research and Analysis Methodologies; Summary; Key Terms; References; Chapter Two: Human Behavior Modeling: A Real-World Application; 2.1 Introduction and Learning Objectives; 2.2 Background and Theory; Key Terms; Appendix: A Decision Scenario and Associated Data; References
6.1 Introduction and Learning Objectives6.2 Background; 6.3 Discrete-Event Simulation; 6.4 Discrete-Event Simulation Case Study; 6.5 System Dynamics Simulation; 6.6 Monte Carlo Simulation; Summary; Key Terms; References; Chapter Seven: A Review of Mesh Generation for Medical Simulators; 7.1 Introduction and Learning Objectives; 7.2 Background--A Survey of Relevant Biomechanics and Open-Source Software; 7.3 Theory--The Impact of Element Quality and Size on Simulation; 7.4 Modeling Paradigms--Methods for Mesh Generation; Summary; Key Terms; Mechanics; Medical Simulation; Meshing
Chapter Three: Transportation3.1 Introduction and Learning Objectives; 3.2 Background; 3.3 Theory; 3.4 Transportation Modeling Applications; Summary; Key Terms; References; Chapter Four: Homeland Security Risk Modeling; 4.1 Introduction and Learning Objectives; 4.2 Background; 4.3 Theory and Applications in Risk Modeling; 4.4 Elements of a Study Plan; Modeling Paradigms; Summary; Key Terms; Chapter Five: Operations Research; 5.1 Introduction and Learning Objectives; 5.2 Background; 5.3 Theory; 5.4 Modeling Paradigms; Summary; Key Terms; References; Chapter Six: Business Process Modeling
Unstructured Surface MeshingUnstructured Tetrahedral Meshing; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter Eight: Military Interoperability Challenges; 8.1 Introduction and Learning Objectives; 8.2 Background; 8.3 Theory; 8.4 Live Virtual Constructive; 8.5 LVC Examples; 8.6 Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process (DSEEP); 8.7 LVC Architecture Framework (LVCAF); 8.8 Simulation Systems; Summary; Key Terms; References; Index
This handbook provides a thorough explanation of modeling and simulation in the most useful, current, and predominant applied areas, such as transportation, homeland security, medicine, operational research, military science, and business modeling. The authors offer a concise look at the key concepts and techniques of modeling and simulation and then discuss how and why the presented domains have become leading applications. The book begins with an introduction of why modeling and simulation is a reliable analysis assessment tool for complex syste
Handbook of Real-World Applications in Modeling and Simulation