Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan :
(but were afraid to ask Hitchcock) /
edited by Slavoj Žižek
vii, 279 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
Alfred Hitchcock, or, the form and its historical mediation / Slavoj Žižek -- Hitchcockian suspense / Pascal Bonitzer -- Hitchcock's objects / Mladen Dolar -- Spatial systems in North by northwest / Frederic Jameson -- A perfect place to die : theatre in Hitchcock's films / Alenka Zupančič -- Punctum caecum, or, of insight and blindness / Stojan Pelko -- Hitchcockian sinthoms / Slavoj Žižek -- The spectator who knew too much / Mladen Dolar -- The cipher of destiny / Michel Chion -- A father who is not quite dead / Mladen Dolar -- Notorious / Pascal Bonitzer -- The fourth side / Michel Chion -- The man behind his own retina / Miran Božovič -- The skin and the straw / Pascal Bonitzer -- The right man and the wrong woman / Renata Salecl -- The impossible embodiment / Michel Chion -- 'In his bold gaze my ruin is writ large' / Slavoj Žižek
Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan.
Hitchcock, Alfred,1899-1980-- Criticism and interpretation