1. How to start things off -- 2. Using small groups effectively -- 3. Basic techniques for small group training -- 4. Additional techniques for small group training -- 5. Role playing -- 6. Using games and simulations -- 7. Using exercises -- 8. Using puzzles -- 9. Instrumentation : a tool for self-discovery learning -- 10. Defining a problem and generating data about it -- 11. Generating solutions to a problem -- 12. Selecting and implementing a solution -- 13. Team building : overcoming the "Lone Ranger" syndrome -- 14. The in-basket exercise : how to conduct and design it -- 15. Other key group-in-action tools -- 16. Involving participants in film/video -- 17. Maximizing participation and learning in the case method -- 18. "If you must lecture ..." -- 19. Using participative methods to evaluate training -- 20. How to overcome the transfer problem -- 21. Ancillary issues and techniques -- 22. Intelligence and learning : principles of adult, experiential, and accelerated learning -- 23. Distance learning : boon or bane?