Biographical sketches : William French Anderson -- Paul Berg -- Herbert Wayne Boyer -- Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty -- John William Coleman -- Francis Sellers Collins -- Francis Harry Compton Crick -- Rosalind Franklin -- Albert Gore, Jr. -- Leroy E. Hood -- Edward Moore Kennedy -- Michael Martin -- Barbara McClintock -- Louis Pasteur -- Jeremy Rifkin -- Marian Lucy Rivas -- Maxine Frank Singer -- Robert Swanson -- J. Craig Venter -- James Dewey Watson
Facts, data, and opinion : Statistical data -- Genetic engineering as a business -- Medical applications -- Agriculture and manufacturing -- Bioremediation -- Ethics -- Human cloning
Overview of genetic engineering : Genetic engineering and health : a revolution in medicine -- Genetic engineering of food -- Biomanufacturing -- Bioremediation : environmental restoration -- International impact of genetic engineering -- Predictions about genetic engineering -- What can be done? -- Chronology of genetic engineering
"Genetic Engineering: A Reference Handbook presents a complete overview of this pressing topic, including key background material for understanding the science; a historical account of genetic engineering; biographical sketches of leading contributors; data and documents central to the debate; a glossary that explains technical terms; and resources for those who wish to delve deeper into the subject."--Jacket