Proceedings of the Symposium on Papillomaviruses, held at the Ciba Foundation, London, 9-11 July 1985.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Classification of the papillomaviruses : mapping the genome / H. Pfister, J. Krubke, W. Dietrich, T. Iftner, P.G. Fuchs -- Organization and expression of the genome of bovine papillomavirus type 1 / Ulf Pettersson, Harri Ahola, Arne Stenlund, Per Bergman, Mart Ustav, Jorge Moreno-Lopez -- Papillomavirus transforming functions / Peter M. Howley, Yu-Chung Yang, Barbara A. Spalholz, Michael S. Rabson -- The bovine papillomavirus replicon / Michael Botchan, Leslie Berg, Jeffrey Reynolds, Monika Lusky -- Production of spliced DNA copies of the cottontail rabbit papillomavirus genome in a retroviral vector / O. Danos, R.C. Mulligan, M. Yaniv -- Methods for diagnosing papillomavirus infection / James K. McDougall, Anna M. Beckmann, Nancy B. Kiviat -- Criteria for establishing that a virus is oncogenic / Lionel Crawford -- Papillomavirus infection in cattle: viral and chemical cofactors in naturally occurring and experimentally induced tumours / M. Saveria Campo, W.F.H. Jarrett -- Immunization against bovine papillomavirus infection / William P. Pilacinski, Donald L. Glassman, Kimberly F. Glassman, David E. Reed, Melissa A. Lum, Richard F. Marshall, Charles C. Muscoplat, Anthony J. Faras -- Epidermodysplasia verruciformis : a model for understanding the oncogenicity of human papillomaviruses / Gérard Orth -- Association of human papillomavirus with squamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix / Dulcie V. Coleman, Colin Wickenden, A.D.B. Malcolm -- Persistence and expression of human papillomavirus DNA in genital cancer / Lutz Gissmann, Elisabeth Schwarz -- Laryngeal papillomatosis is associated with a defect in cellular differentiation / Bettie M. Steinberg -- Papillomaviruses and interferon / Elliot J. Androphy.
Papillomavirus diseases, Congresses.
Papillomaviruses, Congresses.
Papillomaviridae, Congresses.
Clark, Sarah.
Evered, David.
Symposium on Papillomaviruses(1985 :, Ciba Foundation)