Approaching high content screening and analysis : practical advice for users / Scott Keefer and Joseph Zock -- Automated high content screening microscopy / Paul A. Johnston -- A primer on image informatics of high content screening / Xiaobo Zhou and Stephen T.C. Wong -- Developing robust high content assays / Arijit Chakravarty ... [et al.] -- HCS in cellular oncology and tumor biology / Steven A. Haney ... [et al.] -- Exploring the full power of combining high throughput RNAi with high content readouts : from target discovery screens to drug modifier studies / Christoph Sachse ... [et al.] -- Leveraging HCS in neuroscience drug discovery / Myles Fennell ... [et al.] -- Live brain slice imaging for ultra high content screening : automated fluorescent microscopy to study neurodegenerative diseases / O. Joseph Trask Jr. ... [et al.] -- High content analysis of human embryonic stem cell growth and differentiation / Paul J. Sammak ... [et al.] -- HCS for HTS / Ann F. Hoffman and Ralph J. Garippa -- The roles of high content cellular imaging in lead optimization / Jonathan A. Lee ... [et al.] -- Using high content analysis for pharmacodynamic assays in tissue / Arijit Chakravarty ... [et al.] -- High content analysis of sublethal cytotoxicity in human HepG2 hepatocytes for assessing potential and mechanism for chemical- and drug-induced human toxicity / Peter J. O'Brien -- Open file formats for high content analysis / Jason R. Swedlow ... [et al.] -- Analysis of multiparametric HCS data / Andrew A. Hill ... [et al.] -- Quantitative and qualitative cellular genomics : high content analysis as an end point for HT-RNAi phenotype profiling using GE's IN cell platform / David O. Azorsa ... [et al.] -- Optimal characteristics of protein-protein interaction biosensors for cellular systems biology profiling / Kenneth A. Giuliano, David Premkumar, and D. Lansing Taylor