Plain film radiography -- Radiation physics, biology, and safety -- Radiography equipment considerations and accessories -- Positioning techniques and terminology -- Exposure techniques and special considerations -- Film quality -- Radiographic anatomy -- Principles of radiographic interpretation -- Normal foot and ankle -- Normal variants and anomalies -- Normal development -- Developmental variants -- Systemic approach to bone and joint abnormalities -- View selection for the radiographic study -- Systematic evaluation of bone and joint abnormalities -- Radiographic biomechanical analysis -- Principles of biomechanical radiographic analysis of the foot -- Foot segmental relationships and bone morphology -- Pediatric abnormalities of position -- Special imaging procedures -- Overview of special imaging studies -- MRI/cross-sectional imaging -- Bone and joint disorders -- Fractures and related conditions: fundamentals -- Classification of fractures and dislocations -- Osteonecrosis and osteochondrosis -- Bone infection -- Joint disease -- Bone tumors and tumorlike lesions -- Miscellaneous disorders