Includes bibliographical references (p. 199-214) and indexes.
I. Asymptotic theory for the generalized bootstrap of statistical differentiable functionals -- II. How to choose the weights -- III. Some special forms of the weighted bootstrap -- IV. Proofs of results of Chapter I -- V. Proofs of results of Chapter II -- VI. Proofs of results of Chapter III -- Appendix 1: Exchangeable variables of sum 1 -- Appendix 2: How to express [actual symbol not reproducible] as a sum of U-statistics -- Appendix 3: Derivation of [actual symbol not reproducible] -- Appendix 4: Calculation of E[subscript W] Q[subscript W,n] -- Appendix 5: Finite sample asymptotic for the mean and the bootstrap mean estimator -- Appendix 6: Weights giving an almost surely consistent bootstrapped mean -- Appendix 7: Differentials of the functional T[superscript (1)](X,P) -- Appendix 8: Edgeworth expansions up to o(n[superscript -1]) for a third order differentiable statistical functional and its studentized form.