The growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor axis during development
edited by Isabel Varela-Nieto, Julie A. Chowen.
New York :
421 p. :
Advances in experimental medicine and biology,
v. 567
0065-2598 ;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Basic physiology of the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-axis / Laura M. Frago and Julie A. Chowen -- Experimental models for understanding the role of insulin-like growth factor-I and its receptor during development / Jose Luis Trejo, Eva Carro, and Deborah J. Burke -- Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in development / Josef V. Silha and Liam J. Murphy -- Growth hormone, insulin-like growth factors, and the female reproductive system / Carolyn A. Bondy and Jian Zhou -- Skeletal muscle / Ana M. Fernandez and Derek LeRoith -- Cardiovascular and respiratory systems / Åsa Tivesten and Jörgen Isgaard -- Hematopoiesis / Wilson Savino, Salete Smaniotto, and Mireille Dardenne -- Brain development / Gregory J. Popken ... [et al.] -- Regulation of vertebrate sensory organ development : a scenario for growth hormone and insulin-like growth factors action / Amelia Diaz-Casares ... [et al.] -- Role of insulin-like growth factors in neuronal plasticity and neuroprotection / Ignacio Torres Alemán -- Aging and life span / Holly M. Brown-Borg -- Interactions of insulin-like growth factor-I and estrogen in the brain / Pablo Mendez, Gloria Patricia Cardona-Gomez, and Luis Miguel García-Segura -- Cancer / Adda Grimberg -- Genetic basis of proportional short stature / Ángel Campos-Barros, Karen E. Heath, Jesús Argente -- Future perspectives : from stem cells and IGF biology to the clinic / Yvan Arsenijevic.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor axis during development