Navigating Islam in America / Hedieh Mirahmadi -- Euro-Islamists and the struggle for dominance within Islam / Yunis Qandil -- The history of Islam in Italy / Ahmad Gianpiero Vincenzo -- Democracy and Islam in the Maghreb and implications for Europe / Fouad Laroui -- Rebel with a cause: a personal journey from Sufism to Islamism and beyond / Cosh Omar -- Faces of Janus: the Arab-Muslim community in France and the battle for its future / Samia Labidi -- The lamp and the candle / Mostafa Hilali -- Reading the Qur'an in Paris: the case for a secular democracy / Ghaleb Bencheikh -- Euro-Islam: an alternative to Islamization and ethnicity of fear / Bassam Tibi -- Americanism versus Islamism / M. Zuhdi Jasser