The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology /
edited by Dan Zahavi
1st ed
Oxford :
Oxford University Press,
xii, 619 pages :
illustrations ;
26 cm
Oxford handbooks
Series from dust jacket
Includes bibliographical references and index
Machine generated contents note: pt. I SUBJECTIVITY AND NATURE -- 1. Phenomenological Method: Reflection, Introspection, and Skepticism / David R. Cerbone -- 2. Transcendental Phenomenology and the Seductions of Naturalism: Subjectivity, Consciousness, and Meaning / Steven Crowell -- 3. Respecting Appearances: A Phenomenological Approach to Consciousness / Charles Siewert -- 4. On the Possibility of Naturalizing Phenomenology / Shaun Gallagher -- 5. The Phenomenology of Life: Desire as the Being of the Subject / Renaud Barbaras -- pt. II INTENTIONALITY, PERCEPTION, AND EMBODIMENT -- 6. Intentionality without Representationalism / John J. Drummond -- 7. Perception, Context, and Direct Realism / David Woodruff Smith -- 8. Colours and Sounds: The Field of Visual and Auditory Consciousness / Junichi Murata -- 9. Bodily Intentionality, Affectivity, and Basic Affects / Donn Welton -- 10. Thought in Action / Komarine Romdenh-Romluc -- 11. Sex, Gender, and Embodiment / Sara Heinamaa -- 12. At the Edges of my Body / Edward S. Casey -- pt. III SELF AND CONSCIOUSNESS -- 13. Action and Selfhood: A Narrative Interpretation / Laszlo Tengelyi -- 14. Self-consciousness and World-consciousness / Dorothee Legrand -- 15. Self, Consciousness, and Shame / Dan Zahavi -- pt. IV LANGUAGE, THINKING, AND KNOWLEDGE -- 16. The (Many) Foundations of Knowledge / Walter Hopp -- 17. The Phenomenological Foundations of Predicative Structure / Dominique Pradelle -- 18. Language and Non-linguistic Thinking / Dieter Lohmar -- 19. Sharing in Truth: Phenomenology of Epistemic Commonality / Hans Bernhard Schmid -- pt. V ETHICS, POLITICS, AND SOCIALITY -- 20. Responsive Ethics / Bernhard Waldenfels -- 21. Towards a Phenomenology of the Political World / Klaus Held -- 22. Other People / Søren Overgaard -- pt. VI TIME AND HISTORY -- 23. Experience and History / David Carr -- 24. The Forgiveness of Time and Consciousness / Nicolas de Warren -- 25. Hermeneutical Phenomenology / Gunter Figal -- pt. VII ART AND RELIGION -- 26. Something that is Nothing but can be Anything: The Image and our Consciousness of it / John Brough -- 27. Phenomenological and Aesthetic Epoche: Painting the Invisible Things themselves / Rudolf Bernet -- 28. Evidence in the Phenomenology of Religious Experience / Anthony J. Steinbock