""Cover""; ""Contents""; ""Note to the Reader""; ""Abbreviations Used in References to Works by Eliot""; ""Introduction""; ""Eliot�s education in the Early Modern""; ""The �Renaissance� in criticism, Pater, and the �historical sense�""; ""Eliot Studies, allusiveness, and a different methodology""; ""The structure of this book""; ""1. �Without a Harmonising Medium�: Eliot in 1919, and Contemporary Criticism of Early Modern Drama""; ""1919: The Extension Lectures on �Elizabethan Literature�""; ""Source materials""; ""Early Modern Literature and the nation""
""4. �Ideas, and the Sensibility of Thought�: The Quest for a Metaphysical Poetry, 1920�2""""Dead voices and new combinations""; ""�Wit�: a metaphysical method""; ""Metaphysical conceits and poetic �obscurity�""; ""5. Cryptograms: The Waste Land, Sweeney Agonistes, and �The Hollow Men�""; ""�The Death of the Duchess� and The Waste Land""; ""The Waste Land and �Elegy�""; ""Aftermaths of The Waste Land""; ""Sweeney Agonistes and �The Hollow Men�""; ""6. �The Pattern Behind the Pattern�: Ash-Wednesday, the Ariel Poem, and �Coriolan�""
""The nature of Early Modern drama""""Rhetoric and realism in drama""; ""2. �I Am Not All Heere�: Donne, Marlowe, �Disintegration�, and the Development of Dramatic Lyricism by Eliot""; ""Donne, personality, and impersonality""; ""Donne and the emergent poetry of modernity""; ""Drama and the lyric""; ""Allusion and �disintegration�""; ""3. �Signs Never Come Amiss�: Early Modern Voices in Eliot�s Collected Poetry to Poems, 1920""; ""Early Modern echoes in Eliot�s Harvard poems""; ""The quatrain poems""; ""�Gerontion�""
""The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry""""Conceits, stoicism, and George Chapman""; ""Lancelot Andrewes and Ash-Wednesday""; ""�Marina�""; ""�Coriolan�""; ""7. Towards a New Dramatic Articulation: The Rock and Murder in the Cathedral""; ""The Early Modern and textual �pattern�""; ""The Rock""; ""Early Modern stagecraft, characterization, and Eliot�s dramas""; ""Murder in the Cathedral""; ""8. �A Fusion, in Sympathy or Antipathy�: Four Quartets and the Late Plays""; ""The Family Reunion through its drafts""; ""Four Quartets""; ""The Cocktail Party""
This title, for the first time, considers the full imaginative and moral engagement of one of the most influential poets of the twentieth century, T.S. Eliot, with the Early Modern period of literature in English (1580-1630). This engagement haunted Eliot's poetry and critical writing across his career, and would have a profound impact on subsequent poetry across the world, as well as upon academic literary criticism, and wider cultural perceptions. To this end, the book elucidates and contextualizes several facets of Eliot's thinking and its impact: through establishment of his original and eclectic understanding of the Early Modern period in relation to the literary and critical source materials available to him; through consideration of uncollected and archival materials, which suggest a need to reassess established readings of the poet's career; and through attention to Eliot's resonant formulations about the period in consequent literary, critical and artistic arenas
T.S. Eliot and early modern literature. Dead voices speak through the living voice.
Eliot, T. S., (Thomas Stearns),1888-1965-- Criticism and interpretation
English poetry-- 20th century-- History and criticism