Introduction : assessing risk and resilience factors in models of depression / Keith S. Dobson and David J.A. Dozois -- pt. 1. Biological factors. Genetic risk and familial transmission of depression / Liz Forty, Stanley Zammit and Nick Craddock ; Alterations in neural structures as risk factors for depression / Rajamannar Ramasubbu and Glenda MacQueen ; Neurochemical and transmitter models of depression / Hymie Anisman, Kim Matheson and Shawn Hayley ; Sleep dysregulation and related regulatory models / Anne Germain and Michael E. Thase -- pt. 2. Cognitive factors. Cogitive schemas, beliefs and assumptions / David J.A. Dozois and Aaron T. Beck ; Information processing : attention and memory / Rick E. Ingram, Dana K. Steidtmann and Steven L. Bistricky ; Optimism and pessimism / Stephen M. Schuelller and Martin E.P. Seligman ; Dispostional pessimism across the lifespan / John R.Z. Abela, Randy P. Auerbach and Martin E.P. Seligman ; Ruminative response style / Blair E. Wisco and Susan Nolen-Hoeksema ; Negative cognitive style / Lauren B. Alloy ... [et al.] ; Social problem solving as a risk factor for depression / Arthur M. Nezu, Christine Maguth Nezu and Melissa A. Clark -- pt. 3. Social factors. The roots of depression in early attachment experiences / Greg Moran ... [et al.] ; Life events and hassles / Kate L. Harkness ; Parental psychopathology and parenting style attachment as risk factors of depression / Cecilia A. Essau and Satoko Sasagawa ; Marriage and relationship issues / Mark A. Whisman and Roselinde Kaiser ; Low social support and major depression : research, theory and methodological issues / Brian Lakey and Arika Cronin ; Stress generation and depression / Constance Hammen and Josephine H. Shih ; Reassurance seeking and negative feedback seeking / Katherine A. Timmons and Thomas E. Joiner, Jr. ; Avoidance / Nicole D. Ottenbreit and Keith S. Dobson