The origins of John's gospel: an introduction -- The date of John's gospel and its origins -- John the Evangelist's work: an overlooked Redaktionsgeschichtliche theory from the Patristic Age -- "Secondary orality" in the Gospel of John: a "post-Guntenberg" paradigm for understanding the relationship between written Gospel texts -- The sayings of Jesus in Mark: does Mark every rely on a pre-Johannine tradition? -- The Gospel from a specific community but for all Christians: understanding the Johannine community as a "community of practice" -- The function of social conflict in the Gospel of John -- Johannine sectarianism: a category now defunct? -- On "seamless robes" and "leftover fragments" ; a theory of Johannine composition -- The question of aporiai or cohesion in the fourth gospel: a response to Urban C. von Wahlde -- Irenaeus and the authorship of the Fourth Gospel -- The repetition of history: a select survey of scholarly understandings of Johannine anti-Judaism from Baur until the end of the Weimar -- The origin of the Johannine "Son of Man" sayings.