quantum mechanics and the participating observer /
Henry P. Stapp.
Second edition.
xiii, 212 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm.
Frontiers collection,
"Two new chapters have been added."--Preface to the 2nd ed. (p.[ix]).
Includes bibliographical references (pages 201-208) and index.
Science, consciousness and human values -- Human knowledge as the foundation of science -- Actions, knowledge, and information -- Nerve terminals and the need to use quantum theory -- Templates for action -- The physical effectiveness of conscious will and the quantum Zeno effect -- Support from contemporary psychology -- Application to neuropsychology -- Roger Penrose's theory and quantum decoherence -- Non-orthodox versions of quantum theory and the need for process 1 -- The basis problem in many-worlds theories -- Despised dualism -- Whiteheadian quantum ontology -- Interview -- Consciousness and the anthropic questions -- Impact of quantum mechanics on human values -- Placebo: a clinically significant quantum effect -- Science-based discussion of free will -- A. Gazzaniga's The Ethical Brain -- B. Von Neumann : knowledge, information, and entropy -- C. Wigner's friend and consciousness in quantum theory -- D. Orthodox interpretation and the mind-brain connection -- E. Locality in physics -- F. Einstein locality and spooky action at a distance -- G. Nonlocality in the quantum world.