a centennial celebration : collection of articles coming from the M.C. Escher Centennial Conference, Rome, 1998 /
Doris Schattschneider, Michele Emmer (editors)
xvi, 458 pages :
illustrations (some color) ;
24 cm +
1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.)
Includes bibliographical references
Escher's fondness for animals / H.S.M. Coxeter -- Selection is distortion / Bruno Ernst (Hans de Rijk) -- Ravello : an Escherian place / Michele Emmer -- Mystery, classicism, elegance : an endless chase after magic / Douglas R. Hofstadter -- M.C. Escher and C.v.S. Roosevelt / J. Taylor Hollist and Doris Schattschneider -- Escher's sense of wonder / Anne Hughes -- In search of M.C. Escher's metaphysical unconscious / Claude Lamontagne -- Parallel worlds : Escher and mathematics, revisited / Marjorie Senechal -- M.C. Escher in Italy : the trail back / Mark Veldhuysen -- Islamic patterns : the spark in Escher's genius / S. Jan Abas -- Space time with M.C. Escher and R. Buckminster Fuller / Victor Acevedo -- Between illusion and reality / Sandro Del Prete -- Painting after M.C. Escher / Jos De Mey -- M.C. Escher : art, math, and cinema / Michele Emmer -- Organic structures related to M.C. Escher's work / Tamás F. Farkas -- Extending Escher's recognizable-motif tilings to multiple-solution tilings and fractal tilings / Robert Fathauer -- A Circle Limit in stone / Helaman Ferguson with Claire Ferguson -- Portrait of Escher : behind the mirror / Kelly M. Houle -- Life after Escher : a (young) artist's journey / Eva Knoll -- Sharing some common interests of M.C. Escher / Matjuška Teja Krašek -- New expressions in tessellating art : layered three-dimensional tessellations / Makoto Nakamura -- The mirrors of the master / István Orosz -- Tilings and other unusual Escher-related prints / Peter Raedschelders -- Escher-like patterns from pentagonal tilings / Marjorie Rice -- Not the tiles, but the joints : a little bridge between M.C. Escher and Leonardo da Vinci / Rinus Roelofs -- Architecture, perspective and scenography in the graphic work of M.C. Escher : from Vredeman de Vries to Luca Ronconi / Claudio Seccaroni and Marco Spesso -- Hand with reflective sphere to six-point perspective sphere / Richard A. Termes -- Families of Escher patterns / Douglas Dunham -- The trigonometry of Escher's woodcut Circle Limit III / H.S.M. Coxeter -- Escher in the classroom / Jill Britton -- Chaotic geodesic motion : an extension of M.C. Escher's Circle Limit designs / Victor J. Donnay -- Rotations and notations / Jane Eisenstein and Arthur L. Loeb -- Folding rings of eight cubes / George Escher -- Dethronement of the symmetry plane / István Hargittai -- Computer games based on Escher's spatial illusions / Scott Kim -- Escher's world : structure, symmetry, sense / Vladimir A. Koptsik -- Adapting Escher's rules for "regular division of the plane" to create TesselMania!® / Kevin Lee -- M.C. Escher at the museum : an educator's perspective / Jean-François Leger -- Escher, Napoleon, Fermat, and the nine-point centre / John F. Rigby -- The symmetry mystique / Marjorie Senechal -- Escher-like tessellations on spherical models / Valentin E. Vulihman
"The CD-ROM is an extension of the book. It contains color versions of many of the art works that are shown in the book in black and white, as well as additional work by the artists. It gives vignettes of the conference ... animations, short videos, and interactive puzzles."--Page vii
System requirements for accompanying computer disc: Macintosh platform: Power PC processor, Mac OS software version 8.6(*), 9.0.4, 9.1, or Mac OS X(*), CD-ROM drive, 64 MB of RAM, 24 MB or available hard-disk space
System requirements for accompanying computer disc: Windows platform: Intel Pentium Processor, Microsoft Windows 95 OSR 2.0, Windows 98 SE, Windows Millenium Edition, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5, Windows 2000, or Windows XP, CD-ROM drive, sound card, 64 MB of RAM, 24 MB of available hard-disk space