Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Chapter 1 Aspects of Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics; 1.1 History; 1.2 Nomenclature; 1.3 Solar System Abundances; 1.4 Astrophysical Aspects; 1.4.1 General Considerations; 1.4.2 Hertzsprung -- Russell Diagram; 1.4.3 Stellar Evolution of Single Stars; 1.4.4 Binary Stars; 1.5 Masses, Binding Energies, Nuclear Reactions, and Related Topics; 1.5.1 Nuclear Mass and Binding Energy; 1.5.2 Energetics of Nuclear Reactions; 1.5.3 Atomic Mass and Mass Excess
1.5.4 Number Abundance, Mass Fraction, and Mole Fraction1.5.5 Decay Constant, Mean Lifetime, and Half-Life; 1.6 Nuclear Shell Model; 1.6.1 Closed Shells and Magic Numbers; 1.6.2 Nuclear Structure and Nucleon Configuration; 1.7 Nuclear Excited States and Electromagnetic Transitions; 1.7.1 Energy, Angular Momentum, and Parity; 1.7.2 Transition Probabilities; 1.7.3 Branching Ratio and Mixing Ratio; 1.7.4 Þ-Ray Transitions in a Stellar Plasma; 1.7.5 Isomeric States and the Case of26 Al; 1.8 Weak Interaction; 1.8.1 Weak Interaction Processes; 1.8.2 Energetics; 1.8.3 Ý-Decay Probabilities
1.8.4 Ý-Decays in a Stellar PlasmaProblems; Chapter 2 Nuclear Reactions; 2.1 Cross Sections; 2.2 Reciprocity Theorem; 2.3 Elastic Scattering and Method of Partial Waves; 2.3.1 General Aspects; 2.3.2 Relationship Between Differential Cross Section and Scattering Amplitude; 2.3.3 The Free Particle; 2.3.4 Turning the Potential On; 2.3.5 Scattering Amplitude and Elastic Scattering Cross Section; 2.3.6 Reaction Cross Section; 2.4 Scattering by Simple Potentials; 2.4.1 Square-Well Potential; 2.4.2 Square-Barrier Potential; 2.4.3 Transmission Through the Coulomb Barrier; 2.5 Theory of Resonances
2.5.1 General Aspects2.5.2 Logarithmic Derivative, Phase Shift, and Cross Section; 2.5.3 Breit -- Wigner Formulas; 2.5.4 Extension to Charged Particles and Arbitrary Values of Orbital Angular Momentum; 2.5.5 R-Matrix Theory; 2.5.6 Experimental Tests of the One-Level Breit -- Wigner Formula; 2.5.7 Partial and Reduced Widths; 2.6 Continuum Theory; 2.7 Hauser -- Feshbach Theory; Problems; Chapter 3 Thermonuclear Reactions; 3.1 Cross Sections and Reaction Rates; 3.1.1 Particle-Induced Reactions; 3.1.2 Photon-Induced Reactions; 3.1.3 Abundance Evolution; 3.1.4 Forward and Reverse Reactions
3.1.5 Reaction Rates at Elevated Temperatures3.1.6 Reaction Rate Equilibria; 3.1.7 Nuclear Energy Generation; 3.2 Nonresonant and Resonant Thermonuclear Reaction Rates; 3.2.1 Nonresonant Reaction Rates for Charged-Particle-Induced Reactions; 3.2.2 Nonresonant Reaction Rates for Neutron-Induced Reactions; 3.2.3 Nonresonant Reaction Rates for Photon-Induced Reactions; 3.2.4 Narrow-Resonance Reaction Rates; 3.2.5 Broad-Resonance Reaction Rates; 3.2.6 Electron Screening; 3.2.7 Total Reaction Rates; Problems; Chapter 4 Nuclear Physics Experiments; 4.1 General Aspects; 4.1.1 Charged-Particle Beams
Most elements are synthesized, or ""cooked"", by thermonuclear reactions in stars. The newly formed elements are released into the interstellar medium during a star's lifetime, and are subsequently incorporated into a new generation of stars, into the planets that form around the stars, and into the life forms that originate on the planets. Moreover, the energy we depend on for life originates from nuclear reactions that occur at the center of the Sun. Synthesis of the elements and nuclear energy production in stars are the topics of nuclear astrophysics, which is the subject of this book