edited by Stavros Frangoulidis, Stephen J. Harrison, and Gesine Manuwald
xii, 625 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
Trends in classics, supplementary volumes ;
vol. 34
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Part I. Roman comedy. Introduction: Roman drama and its contexts / Gesine Manuwald and Stavros Frangoulidis -- Some dramatic terminology / Richard Hunter -- Bacchus in Roman drama / Alessandro Schiesaro -- Speculating in unreal estate : locution, locution, locution / Niall W. Slater -- The kings of comedy / Amy Richlin -- Genre and social class, or comedy and the rhetoric of self-aggrandisement and self-deprecation / Alison Sharrock -- Sententiousness in Roman comedy : a moralising reading / Martin T. Dinter -- Plautus' Aulularia and popular narrative tradition / Ioannis M. Konstantakos -- Plautus undoing himself : what is funny and what is Plautine in Stichus and Trinummus? / Sophia Papaioannou -- Prologues between performance and fiction / Kathleen McCarthy -- All's well that ends well? : old fools, morality, and epilogues in Plautus / David Christenson -- Plautus' Curculio and the case of the pious pimp / T.H.M. Gellar-Goad -- The young man in Plautus' Asinaria 127-248 / C.W. Marshall -- Civic reassignment of space in the Truculentus / Robert Germany -- Nothing to do with fides? : the speaker of the prologue and the reproduction of citizenship in Plautus' Casina / Catherine Connors -- Symmetrical recognitions in Plautus' Epidicus / Katerina Philippides -- Basket case : material girl and animate object in Plautus's Cistellaria / Mario Telò -- Elements of pantomime in Plautus' comedies / Bernhard Zimmermann
Part II. Roman tragedy. -- History and philosophy in Roman republican drama and beyond / Gesine Manuwald -- Music in Roman tragedy / Timothy J. Moore -- Seneca, Horace and the poetics of transgression / Cedric Littlewood -- Tragic translatio : Epistle 107 and Senecan tragedy / Christopher Trinacty -- Seneca's Agamemnon : Mycenaean becoming Trojan / Stavros Frangoulidis -- When reason surrenders its authority : Thyestes' approach to Atreus' palace / David Konstan -- History as intertext and intertext as history in the Octavia / Lauren Donovan Ginsberg
Part III. Reception of comedy and tragedy. Terence and Satire / Ruth Rothaus Caston -- How to do things with words and pictures : text and image in the Parisian Terence / Dorota Dutsch -- Is the story of Susanna and the elders based on a Greek new comedy? / Michael Fontaine -- Terence's comedies in the Terentius Christianus : the case of Naaman / Antony Augoustakis -- Petronian spectacles : the widow of Ephesus generically revisited / Evangelos Karakasis -- Furur and kin(g)ship in Seneca's Thyestes and Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica (1.700-850) / Theodoros Antoniadis -- Noises off : the Thyestes theme in Tacitus' Dialogus / Emily Gowers -- Seneca's Ted Hughes / Roland Mayer -- Seneca's Thyestes : three female translators in to English / Stephan Harrison