edited by John J. Collins, T.M. Lemos, Saul M. Olyan
xvi, 320 pages ;
24 cm
Brown Judaic studies ;
v. 357
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
I. Folklore, mythology and oral history. The passing of warrior poetry in the era of prosaic heroes ; The fugitive hero narrative pattern in Mesopotamia ; Ending a performance: the tenants in Luke 20:9-19 and Gospel of Thomas 65 ; A story about some stories ; The Gospel of Mark: baptism and Passover initiation ; Orality and writing in the creation of Exilic prophetic literature -- II. Israelite religion and ancient Judaism. Massebot standing for Yhwh: the fall of Yhwistic cult symbol ; "The righteous mind" and Judean moral culture: a conversation between biblical studies and moral psychology ; Ritual inversion in biblical representations of puntitive rites -- III. Warfare and violence. Moral injury and the interdisciplinary study of biblical war texts: the case of King Saul ; Collateral duties: military objectives and civilian protections in Deuteronomy ; The agonistic imagination: the ethics of war in Deuteronomy ; Rahab's valor and the Gibeonites' cowardice -- IV. Gender. The women of the Bible and of ancient Near Eastern myth: the case of the Levite's [pilegeš] ; Were Israelite women chattel? Shedding new light on an old question ; Crossings, transgressions, and movement in the Jephthah cycle ; Ruth's beginnings: a study in contradictions ; Building power: gender, identity, and conspicuous consumption in Fin de Siècle Tang China ; Rufina refined: a woman archisynagōgos from Smyrna, yet again
Niditch, Susan,honoree
Bible., Old Testament-- Criticism, interpretation, etc