edited by A.K. Haghi, PhD, and Elizabeth Carvajal-Millan, PhD
xvi, 406 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
Vegetable oils as platform chemicals for synthesis of thermoplastic bio-based polyurethanes / C. Bueno-Ferrer [and two others] -- Antioxidant activity of maize bran arabinoxylan microspheres / A.L. Martínez-López [and four others] -- Comparative estimation of kalanchoe juice antioxidant properties / N.N. Sazhina -- Enzymes for flavor, dairy, and baking industries / Adriane B.P. Medeiros [and four others] -- Membrane technology in food processing / Cesar de Morais Coutinho -- Tenderization of meat and meat products: a detailed review / B.G. Mane [and two others] -- Biological properties of mushrooms / Carlos Ricardo Soccol [and two others] -- Molecular and immunological approaches for the detection of important pathogens in foods of animal origin / Porteen Kannan [and one other] -- Cross-linking of ferulated arabinoxylans extracted from Mexican wheat flour: rheology and microstructure of the gel / A. Morales-Ortega [and five others] -- Free and ester-linked ferulic acid content in a hard-to-cook pinto bean (phaseolus vulgaris I.) variety / Agustín Rascon-Chu [and three others] -- Polyacrylamide-grafter gelatin: swellable hydrogel delivery system for agricultural applications / M.S. Mohy Eldin [and three others] -- The dynamics of bacteria and pathogenic fungi in soil microbiocenosis under the influence of biopreparations use during potato cultivation / V.V. Borodai -- Irradiation of fruits, vegetables, and spices for better preservation and quality / Md. Wasim Siddiqui [and two others] -- Antioxidant properties of various alcohol drinks / N.N. Sazhina [and two others] -- A study on the potential of oilseeds as a sustainable source of oil and protein for aquaculture feed / Crystal L. Snyder [and five others] -- Electrochemical methods for estimation of antioxidant activity of various biological objects / N.N. Sazhina [and two others] -- Ozonolysis of chemical and biochemical compounds / S. Rakovsky [and two others] -- Antioxidant activity of mint / N.N. Sazhina [and two others] -- Wild orchids of Colchis forests and save them as objects of ecoeducation, and producers of medicinal substances / E.A. Averjanova [and three others] --Fixation of proteins on MNPs / A.V. Bychkova [and four others] -- Antimicrobial packaging for food applications / S. Remya [and four others]