Introduction: Past, Present, and Future Role of Coal -- Chapter 1: Chemistry of Coal -- Chapter 2: Worldwide Distribution of Coal -- Chapter 3: The Effect of Coal Usage on Human Health and the Environment -- Chapter 4: Technologies for Coal Utilization -- Chapter 5: Anatomy of a Coal-Fired Power Plant -- Chapter 6: Coal-Fired Emissions International Regulations -- Chapter 7: Advanced Pulverized Coal-Fired Power Plants -- Chapter 8: Fluidized-Bed Combustion Technology -- Chapter 9: Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Systems -- Chapter 10: Clean Liquids and Gaseous Fuels from Coal for Power Generation -- Chapter 11: Emissions Control Strategies -- Chapter 12: CO2 Capture and Sequestration -- Chapter 13: Emissions Trading -- Chapter 14: Future Power Generation -- Appendix A.: Coal-Fired Emissions Factors -- Appendix B: List of Hazardous Air Pollutants -- Appendix C: Initial 261 Units Identified in Phase I (SO2) of the Acid Rain Program (from 1st edition) -- Appendix D.: Commercial Gasificatoin Facilities Worldwide