Ageing and biometrics : an introduction / Michael Fairhurst -- Review of ageing with respect to biometrics and diverse modalities / Andreas Lanitis, Nicolas Tsapatsoulis and Anastasios Maronidis -- Biometrics and ageing : social and ethical considerations / Andrew P. Rebera and Emilio Mordini -- Using age to enhance performance in biometrics / Márjory Da Costa-Abreu and Michael Fairhurst -- Human face ageing : a perspective analysis from anthropometry and biometrics / Karl Ricanek Jr. [and others] -- Ageing in biometrics : a case study in online signature / Javier Galbally, Marcos Martinez-Diaz and Julian Fierrez -- Ageing in iris biometrics / Judith Liu-Jimenez and Raul Sanchez-Reillo -- Ageing effects in fingerprint biometrics / Andreas Uhl and Peter Wild -- The impact of ageing on speech-based biometric systems / Finnian Kelly and Naomi Harte -- An analysis of biometric performance change over time : a multimodal perspective / Norman Poh [and others] -- An industrial perspective on biometric age factors / Alastair Partington -- Fingerprints and human inspection : a forensics perspective / Clive Reedman -- Age prediction in face images / Guodong Guo -- Short- and long-time ageing effects in face recognition / Massimo Tistarelli [and others] -- Analysis of ageing effects in biometric systems : difficulties and limitations / Meryem Erbilek and Michael Fairhurst -- Usable biometrics for an ageing population / M. Angela Sasse and Kat Krol -- Ageing effects and implications for biometric template protection / Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl and Christoph Busch -- Future challenges for systems delivery using ageing tolerant biometrics / Peter Hawkes