Equipment required for inhalant anesthesia -- Preanesthetic medication : drugs and dosages -- Intravenous injection techniques and intravenous anesthetic agents -- Inhalant anesthetic agents -- Anesthesia monitoring and management -- Fluid therapy -- Anesthetic emergencies and cardiopulmonary resuscitation -- Airway management and ventilation -- Injectable sedative and anesthesia-analgesia combinations in dogs and cats -- Anesthetic considerations for specific diseases -- Local anesthetic agents and anesthetic techniques -- Acute pain management -- Chronic pain management for osteoarthritis and neuropathic pain -- Cancer pain management -- Anesthesia in shelter medicine and high volume/high quality spay and neuter programs -- Euthanasia -- Appendix: Anesthetic dosage reference ranges
Small animal anesthesia and pain management in dogs and cats
Analgesia-- veterinary
Anesthesia-- veterinary
Pain in animals-- Treatment, Handbooks, manuals, etc.