understanding the experience of miscarriage, premature births, infertility, and postnatal depression /
edited by Emanuela Quagliata
x, 128 pages;
23 cm
"First published in Italian in 2010 as Diventare genitori : il conceptimento, la gravidanza, il primo anno : la formazione di un legame profondo e le difficoltà del percorso by Casa Editrice Astrolabio-Ubaldini Editore"--T.p. verso
Includes bibliographical references and index
Introduction -- A paradoxical pain: recurrent miscarriage -- The experience of parents of a premature baby -- Emotional turmoil around birth -- Parenting the next child in the shadow of death -- "Opening shut doors" - the emotional impact of infertility and therapeutic issues -- Overcoming obstacles
There are many books that deal with pregnancy and maternity, and a large number of magazines and articles on paediatric nursing that examine these subjects from different points of view. This volume is not a manual and is not intended to explain to future parents what to do and what to avoid. The objective is rather to look at the most significant and problematic aspects of this delicate phase of a woman's life and that of a couple. It seeks to offer a key to understand the deep significance and complexity of the path to follow to become parents and to face fears linked to the difficulty of parenting