Archaic hunters and gatherers in the American midwest /
edited by James L. Phillips, James A. Brown
Walnut Creek, Calif. :
Left Coast Press,
xvi, 349 p. :
ill., maps ;
24 cm
Based on a symposium held at the Midwest Archaeological Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 1980
Includes bibliographical references and index
The Nebo Hill phase : Late Archaic prehistory in the lower Missouri Valley / Kenneth C. Reid -- Archaic period research in the western Ozark highland, Missouri / Marvin Kay -- An Archaic projectile point sequence from the southern Prairie Peninsula : the Pigeon Roost Creek Site / Michael J. O'Brien and Robert E. Warren -- Archaic adaptations to the Illinois prairie : the Salt Creek region / R. Barry Lewis -- Archaic mortuary sites in the central Mississippi drainage : distribution, structure, and behavioral implications / Douglas K. Charles and Jane E. Buikstra -- Napoleon Hollow and Koster Site stratigraphy : implications for Holocene landscape evolution and studies of Archaic period settlement patterns in the lower Illinois River Valley / Michael D. Wiant, Edwin R. Hajic, and Thomas R. Styles -- What happened in the Middle Archaic? Introduction to an ecological approach to Koster Site archaeology / James A. Brown and Robert K. Vierra -- The Labras Lake Site and the paleogeographic setting of the Late Archaic in the American Bottom / James L. Phillips and Bruce G. Gladfelter -- A settlement--subsistence model of the Terminal Late Archaic adaptation in the American Bottom, Illinois / Thomas E. Emerson and Dale L. McElrath -- Settlement and subsistence at the Go-Kart North Site : a Late Archaic Titterington occupation in the American Bottom, Illinois / Andrew C. Fortier -- Modoc Rock Shelter revisited / Bonnie W. Styles, Steven R. Ahler, and Melvin L. Fowler -- Dimensions of Middle Archaic cultural adaptation at the Black Earth Site, Saline County, Illinois / Richard W. Jefferies and B. Mark Lynch -- The shell mound Archaic of western Kentucky / William H. Marquardt and Patty Jo Watson