Epidemiology of the health and economic consequences of pediatric obesity / Alison E. Field -- Growth and development / Shumei S. Sun -- Influence of ethnicity on obesity-related factors in children and adolescents / Dympna Gallagher [and others] -- An international perspective on pediatric obesity / Barry M. Popkin and Penny Gordon-Larsen -- Critical periods for abnormal weight gain in children and adolescents / Stephen R. Daniels -- Genetics of childhood obesity / Nancy F. Butte [and others] -- Energy expenditure and body composition techniques / Angelo Pietrobelli and David A. Fields -- Regulation of body weight: energy expenditure and physical activity / Margarita S. Treuth and Linda G. Bandini -- Endocrine disorders associated with pediatric obesity / Cong Ning and Jack A. Yanovski
Physical activity and adiposity in children and aolescents / Paule Barbeau, Bernard Gutin, and Melinda S. Sothern -- Puberty, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes / Barbara A. Gower and Sonia Caprio -- Metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents / Martha L. Cruz -- Behavioral aspects of food intake: implications and potential targets for overweight prevention / Tanja V.E. Kral [and others] -- Behavioral aspects of physical activity in childhood and adolescence / Donna Spruijt-Metz and Brian E. Saelens -- Influence of the built environment on physical activity and obesity in children and adolescents / Penny gordon-Larsen and Kim D. Reynolds -- Community-lovel influences and interventions for pediatric obesity / Leslie A. Lytle and Kathryn Schmitz -- Obesity prevention in schools / Simone A. French and Mary Story -- Dietary approaches for obesity treatment and prevention in children and adolescents / Cara B. Ebbeling and David S. Ludwig -- Breastfeeding and overweight / Elsie M. Taveras and Matthew W. Gillman
Featuring contributions from leading experts, this book investigates the problem of childhood obesity at the social, behavioral, environmental, metabolic, and genetic levels
Obesity-- Etiology, Handbooks, manuals, etc
Obesity in adolescence, Handbooks, manuals, etc
Obesity in children-- Prevention, Handbooks, manuals, etc