Proceedings of a conference held June 11-12, 1999 at Yale University
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Robert G. Crowder and his intellectual heritage / Henry L. Roediger III and Michael A. Stadler -- Origin of autonoesis in episodic memory / Endel Tulving -- Proactive and retroactive effects in memory performance : dissociating recollection and accessibility bias / Larry L. Jacoby, Sandra Hessels, and Kara Bopp -- Effects of dividing attention on encoding and retrieval processes / Fergus I.M. Craik -- Is semantic activation automatic? A critical re-evaluation / James H. Neely and Todd A. Kahan -- Spreading activation and arousal of false memories / Henry L. Roediger III, David A. Balota, and Jason M. Watson -- Implicit attitudes can be measured / Mahzarin R. Banaji -- Analysis of the serial position curve / Bennet Murdock -- Serial position effects in semantic memory : reconstructing the order of U.S. presidents and vice presidents / Alice F. Healy and James T. Parker -- The modality effect and the gentle law of speech ascendancy : protesting the tyranny of reified memory / Michael J. Watkins -- Recency and recovery in human memory / Robert A. Bjork -- Modality specificity in cognition : the case of touch / Roberta L. Klatzky and Susan J. Lederman -- The irrelevant sound effect is not always the same as the irrelevant speech effect / Ian Neath and Aimée M. Surprenant -- Repetition effects in immediate memory in the absence of repetition / Robert L. Greene -- A functional analysis of primary memory / James S. Nairne -- What is working memory capacity? / Randall W. Engle -- The ravages of absolute and relative amounts of time on memory / Nelson Cowan, Scott Saults, and Lara Nugent -- Neuropsychology of verbal working memory : ins and outs of phonological and lexical-semantic retention / Randi C. Martin and Monica L. Freedman -- What language needs from memory (and vice versa) / Arthur M. Glenberg