Appendix 31: English and metric conversion -- Appendix 32: Symbols -- Appendix 33: Prescription drugs delineated by disease and disorder -- Appendix 34: Recommended daily dietary allowances -- Appendix 35: Reimbursement terms and guidelines for physical therapy claims review -- Appendix 36: Definitions of complementary/alternative therapies -- Appendix 37: Resources and networking -- Appendix 38: Physical therapy organizations -- Appendix 39: Legislation and policy decisions affecting rehabilitation
Dictionary of terms -- Bibliography -- Appendix 1: Suggested reading -- Appendix 2: General acronyms and abbreviations -- Appendix 3: Medical roots: etymology (Greek and Latin deriviations) -- Appendix 4: Evaluation acronyms -- Appendix 5: Organization acronyms -- Appendix 6: American Physical Therapy Association code of ethics -- Appendix 7: American Physical Therapy Association guide for professional conduct -- Appendix 8: American Physical Therapy Association standards of ethical conduct for the physical therapist assistant -- Appendix 9: American Physical Therapy Association guide for conduct of the affiliate member -- Appendix 10: American Physical Therapy Association standards of practice for physical therapy and the accompanying criteria -- Appendix 11: American Physical Therapy Association guidelines for physical therapy documentation -- Appendix 12: American Physical Therapy Association mission and goal statements -- Appendix 13: Historical practioners influential in the genesis of physical therapy -- Appendix 14: Past presidents of the American Physical Therapy Association -- Appendix 15: Directory of state licensure boards and state physical therapy associations -- Appendix 16: World Wide Web sites in rehabilitation -- Appendix 17: World Health Organization classifications -- Appendix 18: Diseases, pathologies, and syndromes defined -- Appendix 19: Physical therapy tests and measures -- Appendix 20: Physical therapy interventions -- Appendix 21: Normal measures for range of motion of the joints -- Appendix 22: Normal ranges for laboratory values -- Appendix 23: Classification of fractures -- Appendix 24: Reflexes and reactions of the central nervous system -- Appendix 25: Metabolic equivalent (MET) values for activity and exercise -- Appendix 26: Cranial nerves and tests for cranial nerve integrity -- Appendix 27: Bones of the body -- Appendix 28: Muscles of the body -- Appendix 29: Weights and measures -- Appendix 30: The metric system