Part 1. Dressing Shakespeare in his own time : theatre, fashion and social practice. "The compass of a lie?" : royal clothing at court and in the plays of Shakespeare, 1598-1613 / Maria Hayward ; Suits of green : festive livery on Shakespeare's stage / Erika T. Lin ; "Honest clothes" in The merry wives of Windsor / Catherine Richardson ; How to do things with shoes / Natasha Korda ; "Apparel oft proclaims the man" : dressing Othello on the English Renaissance stage / Bella Mirabella --- Part II. Designing Shakespeare : theatrical practice and costume. The stylish shepherd, or, What to wear in As you like it's Forest of Arden / Russell Jackson ; How designers helped Juliet's nurse reclaim her bawdy / Patricia Lennox ; Shakespeare stripped : costuming prisoner-of-war entertainments and cabaret / Kate Dorney -- Part III. Interviews with contemporary designers. The designers / Jane Greenwood and Robert Morgan
Shakespeare, William,1564-1616-- Dramatic production