Principles of echocardiographic image acquisition and doppler analysis -- The transthoracic echocardiogram -- The transesophageal echocardiogram -- Advanced echocardiographic modalities -- Clinical indications for echocardiography -- Left and right ventricular systolic function -- Ventricular diastolic filling and function -- Ischemic cardiac disease -- Cardiomyopathies, hypertensive heart disease, and pulmonary heart disease -- Pericardial disease -- Valvular stenosis -- Valve regurgitation -- Prosthetic valves -- Endocarditis -- Cardiac masses and potential cardiac source of embolus -- Echocardiographic evaluation of the great vessels -- The adult with congenital heart disease -- Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography.
Drs. Catherine M. Otto and Rosario Freeman, along with cardiac sonographer Rebecca G. Schwaegler, clearly demonstrate how to record echos, avoid pitfalls, perform calculations, and understand the fundamentals of echocardiography for all types of cardiac disease. All-new multiple-choice review questions and answers probe your knowledge of the latest approaches, and a completely new chapter on TEE covers everything you need to know about this technique.