Introduction / John J. Han and C. Clark Triplett -- Part One: Death as a Reflection of Cultural Meaning and Symbolism. Chapter 1. Gravesites in the Stories of Herman Charles Bosman: An Exploration of History, Memory, Ritual, Identity, and Landscape / Carol Leff ; Chapter 2. "Mouthed Graves Will Give Thee Memory": Burial Sites and Poetic Immortality in Renaissance Verse / Colin Yeo ; Chapter 3. Christian and Muslim Concepts of Death and the Afterlife in Postmodern Agnostic Poetry / Marwan A. Nader and Myrna A. Nader -- Part Two: Death as a Literary Device. Chapter 4. The End of Language? Representations and Effects of Death and Dying in the Fiction of Julia Kristeva and Susan Sontag / Heather H. Yeung ; Chapter 5. Death as an Instrument for Social Criticism in Young Italian Literature / Daniela Chana ; Chapter 6. The Secret Garden at the Back of the North Wind: The Life and Death Journey in Frances Hodgson Burnett and George MacDonald / John Pennington -- Part Three: Those Left Behind. Chapter 7. How Men Grieve: A Contemporary Allegory of the Grieving Process in Sir Orfeo / Rebekah M. Fowler ; Chapter 8. Haunting and Melancholia: A Reading of the Revenant in Seamus Heaney's "Casualty" / Carolyn Ownbey ; Chapter 9. Those Left Behind: The Non-Endings of Primo Levi's If This Is a Man and Aharon Appelfeld's The Immortal Bartfuss / Kelly Leavitt -- Part Four: Death and Postmodernism. Chapter 10. The Driver's Seat: Death and Isolation in Muriel Spark's Postmodern Gothic / Hannah Farrell ; Chapter 11. Death and Dying as Literary Devices in Brite's Exquisite Corpse and Palahniuk's Damned / Claudia Desblaches ; Chapter 12. "Stories Can Save Us": Rewriting Death in Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried / Lori F. Smurthwaite -- Part Five: Death as an Expression of Personal Experience. Chapter 13. Tears and the Art of Grief / James Brown ; Chapter 14. Quick and Long-Lasting: Death and Dying in John Steinbeck's Fiction / John J. Han ; Chapter 15. Death-Defying Women: Art and Transcendence in Cather / Debra L. Cumberland.