Machine generated contents note: -- 1. A Historical Perspective -- 2. Practicing The Philosophy -- 3. The Effects Are Personal -- 4. On Being Human -- 5. Prelude to Change -- 6. The Essential Changes -- 7. An Energic Perspective -- 8. Organizing Managing for Viability
"Traditional precepts of economic and business practice rest upon a very limited view of both humankind and Nature. People are cast as the most intelligent animal destined to seek pleasure and avoid pain with the life-defining aim of maximizing one's material self-interest. While this worldview afforded tremendous wealth accumulation, it has led to a reality of exploitation wherein care and concern for human development and Nature are essentially non-existent--an unsustainable reality.This book explains that it need not be this way. A more developed understanding shows people are intelligent, self-aware, responsible, creative, self-initiating and meaning seeking beings. It is argued this must inform economics and business practice. To this end, Gregory Gull synthesizes insights from varied disciplines such as: physics, mythology, psychology, philosophy, statistics, and systems theory to re-think the very intent of business and its corresponding organizing and management principles. With this, our future will be sustainable and experiences meaningful. "--