Wishing You a Slow Rise -- Setting Goals -- 1 Percent a Day Keeps the Ka-Chingos Comin'! -- Don't Be in Such a Rush to Lose Your Money -- Bear with Me -- The Achilles Have It -- Identifying Your Achilles' Heel -- Breakout City and Riding the Horse to Gains -- The 10 a.m. Intraday Break -- The Play -- The 52-Week-High Breakout -- Buy Low and Sell High? -- The All-Time-High Blue Skies Breakout -- Power Trading -- Be You...Be Powerfull -- Intraday Primer -- Time Frames -- 9:30-10:00 a.m.: Gaps -- 10:00-1:00 p.m.: 10 a.m. Rule in Effect -- 1:00-2:30 p.m.: Lunchtime Lull/Reversal -- 2:30-3:20 p.m.: Post-Lunch Activity -- 3:20-3:40 p.m.: Afternoon Lull -- 3:40-4:00 p.m.: Market on Close/End of Day -- 8:00-9:30 a.m./4:00-8:00 p.m.: After-Hours, News Rules! -- Time Frame Examples -- News Trader -- Swing Trades -- Gap Me, Baby -- Laggards -- Market Close -- After Hours -- $12,500 to $3.8 Million -- Bull, Bear-I Don't Care! -- Options (Pretty) Basic Primer -- What Are Options? -- Underlying Assets -- Rights and Obligations -- Weekly Options -- Option Strategies Introduction -- Spreads -- Trading Options -- Out-of-the-Money Options -- More than One Month Out -- Leveraging and Hedging -- Index Options -- LEAPs -- Straddles -- Strangles -- Bull Spread -- Bear Spread -- Trading Gaps Animal Spirit Guide (Stalking, Leopard) -- What Are Gaps? -- Planning Your Gap Trade -- Daily Gap Goals! -- Objectives -- News/News/News -- Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are, Mr. Gap! -- Order Flow -- Managing Risk -- Know When to Hold 'Em or Fold 'Em -- Believe! -- Trading Gap Downs -- Trading Gap Ups -- My Favorite Animal Spirits -- Gap Fades -- Earnings Runs -- Earnings Straddles -- FOMC Fades -- 10:00 a.m. Rule Plays -- Trading Gaps Using Technical Analysis -- Reversal Bars -- Doji -- When to Enter -- Reversal Bars -- The OOPS Entry -- Gap and Goooooooooo!!! -- Exit Strategies -- Taking Profits -- Know When to Fold 'Em -- Using Stops -- Gaining an Edge -- News Rules! Trading News -- Laggard News -- Guidelines for Trading News -- News Stories -- Potential News -- Managing Risk -- Trading Laggards -- What Is a Laggard? -- If It Looks Like a Laggard, and It Smells Like One... -- Watchlists -- Sectors -- News and Laggards -- Trends Are Your Friends -- Stick with the Trend! -- Window Dressing -- Earnings Runners -- FOMC Runs -- The January Effect -- Finding Your Own Animal Spirit -- Next Steps -- Choices -- Laws of Attraction -- Are You a Leopard? -- Zen and the Art of Rich -- Society -- Control... -- Money -- Cockroaches -- Integrity -- Zen -- What Animal Spirit Are You?
Look inward for the missing piece to your trading strategy. The Art of Trend Trading bucks the trend of technicality to show readers how instinct and strategy can unite to bring about consistent investment success. Rather than diving ever-deeper into the overdone world of complicated modeling and forecasting techniques, trader, CEO, and bestselling author Michael Parness explains how making intuition a part of your investment strategy tends to result in more long-term profit. Using animal spirits as a metaphor and tool, Parness helps readers understand how their natural tendencies may run counter to their strategy, and how this dichotomy may be the shackle holding them back from true market success. Readers will learn how this perspective lifted Parness from homelessness to making millions in both Bull and Bear markets, and will start developing their own market instinct as they refine and tune into their own natural intuition. Everyone's looking for the "ultimate" system, a way to "game the market" and uncover the "secret" to successful investing. Over the years, Parness has observed that the best traders--those who consistently make money--are the ones that use instinct and intuition, as well as strategy. This book shows you how to identify the natural trader within, and use your gut to inform an ever-evolving investment plan.-Follow the author's journey from homelessness to millionaire -Identify and understand your own strengths and weaknesses -Develop your instinct alongside your strategy -Take a lesson from traders making consistent money. There's no substitute for good strategy, but it's no secret that some strategies seem to be more profitable than others. The Art of Trend Trading helps you find that missing piece and turn it into more consistent investment success