Secessionists and Unionists The War for the Union: 1861-1862 The War against Slavery: 1863-1865 The Rise and Fall of Reconstruction Era 12 Resistance and Recovery: Rebuilding a War-Torn Nation (1870s to 1890s) Industrialization, Immigration, and Expansion The Strains of the Gilded Age The New South and the Rise of Jim Crow Era 13 The Next Benchmark: America Is a Global Leader (1890s to 1920) The United States Looks Overseas Social Strain at Home and the Progressive Push for Reform The Limits of Progressivism and the Call for Civil Rights Era 14 The Great War: Rallying American Patriotism (1914 to 1929) America Enters Europe's War The War at Home: Growth and Government, Patriotism, and Repression Post-War America: Prosperity and New Freedoms -- for Some Era 15 Prosperity Has Its Price: Economic Collapse and World War II (1929 to 1945) Crash, Depression, and the New Deal Response Totalitarian Europe and Global Crisis: Alarm, Extremism, and Isolationism at Home The United States Joins the Second World War The World War II Home Front Era 16 The New American Dream: Freedom from Tyranny (1946 to Late 1950s) The Soviet Union and the Emerging Cold War The Cold War at Home and the New Red Scare American Life in the Post-War Era The Renewed Civil Rights Movement Pager: Please ensure the apostrophes before "'50s" and "'60s" are left-facing. Era 17 Communism and Counterculture: The Challenges of the '50s and '60s (1950s to Late 1960s) The Superpowers Find an Uneasy Balance: Deterrence and the Battle for Hearts and Minds Cold War Tensions under Kennedy and Johnson Reform at Home: The Civil Rights Revolution and LBJ's Great Society Pager: The apostrophe before "'60s" should be left-facing. The '60s: War, Counterculture, and Conflict Era 18 Modern Times: Presidential Scandals, Conservatism, and Unrest (1968 to Present) Global Conflict and Diplomacy: Detente, China, and the Middle East The Cold War Ends, and European Communism Falls The Changing Post-Cold War World Recent Trends: Global Ties and Conflict Postscript: Recent Events (1992 to Present) Pager: Please insert some space here to set off backmatter. Who Is Common Core Acknowledgments Index
"Common Core guidance for social studies and reading teachers From the organization that prepared the bestselling Common Core Curriculum Maps in English Language Arts, this book provides everything K-2 teachers need to help students learn history while following key literacy and social studies standards. Although there are no comprehensive national standards for social studies, the CCSS for English language arts address social studies content in two ways: through specific standards for teaching reading and writing about social studies, as well as indirectly through teaching how to read informational texts, including many exemplars related to United States and world history. Created by teachers, for teachers, the curriculum maps in this book present a comprehensive, coherent sequence of thematic units for teaching the social studies skills outlined in the CCSS for English language arts. The curriculum maps are the perfect guides for history teachers who can plan their year around the standards and craft their own more detailed lesson plans The maps are flexible and adaptable to accommodate diverse teaching styles Incorporates the best of local state social studies standards "--
Common core curriculum for United States history, grades K-2
United States, History, Study and teaching (Primary)
United States, History, Study and teaching (Primary), Standards