Introducing the perfect meal -- Let the show commence : on the start of the perfect meal -- Tastes great, but what do we call it? The art and science of food description -- Plating and plateware : on the multisensory presentation of food -- Getting your hands on the food : Cutlery -- The multisensory perception of flavour -- Using surprise and sensory incongruity in a meal -- Looking for your perfect meal in the dark -- How important is atmosphere to the perfect meal? -- Technology at the dining table -- On the future of the perfect meal
" The authors of The Perfect Meal examine all of the elements that contribute to the diner's experience of a meal (primarily at a restaurant) and investigate how each of the diner's senses contributes to their overall multisensory experience. The principal focus of the book is not on flavor perception, but on all of the non-food and beverage factors that have been shown to influence the diner's overall experience.Examples are: the colour of the plate (visual) the shape of the glass (visual/tactile) the names used to describe the dishes (cognitive) the background music playing inside the restaurant (aural)Novel approaches to understanding the diner's experience in the restaurant setting are explored from the perspectives of decision neuroscience, marketing, design, and psychology"--
"The first book dedicated to the sensory science behind "eating out", considering every sensation involved in the dining experience"--