Carbonate depositional sequences and systems tracts - responses of carbonate platforms to relative sea-level changes / C. Robertson Handford and Robert G. Loucks -- Stratigraphic framework of productive carbonate buildups / Stephen M. Greenlee and Patrick J. Lehmann -- The drowning succession in Jurassic carbonates of the Venetian Alps, Italy : a record of supercontinent breakup, gradual eustatic rise, and eutrophication of shallow-water environments / William G. Zempolich -- Timing of deposition, diagenesis, and failure of steep carbonate slopes in response to a high-amplitude/high-frequency fluctuatin in sea level, Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas / G. Michael Grammer, Robert N. Ginsburg, and Paul M. Harris -- Influence of sediment type and depositional processes on stratal patterns in the Permian basin-margin Lamar limestone, McKittrick Canyon, Texas / A.A. Brown and R.G. Loucks -- Reciprocal lowstand clastic and highstand carbonate sedimentation, subsurface Devonian reef complex, Canning basin, Western Australia / Peter N. Southgate ... [et al.] -- Origin of sedimentary cycles in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems : an example from the Canning basin, Western Australia / Ann E. Holmes and Nicholas Christie-Blick -- Upper Pennsylvanian seismic sequences and facies of the eastern and southern Horseshoe atoll, Midland basin, West Texas / Lowell E. Waite -- Response of carbonate platform margins to drowning : evidence of environmental collapse / R.N. Erlich, A.P. Longo Jr., and S. Hyare -- Sequence stratigraphy of aggrading and backstepping carbonate shelves, Oligocene, central Kalimantan, Indonesia / Arthur Saller ... [et al.] -- Sequence stratigraphy of a Miocene carbonate buildup, Java Sea / M.A. Cucci and M. H. Clark -- Parasequence stacking patterns, third-order accommodation events, and sequence stratigraphy of Middle to Upper Cambrian platform carbonates, Bonanza King Formation, southern Great Basin / Isabel P. Montañez and David A. Osleger -- Sequence stratigraphy and evolution of a progradational, foreland carbonate ramp, Lower Mississippian Mission Canyon Formation and stratigraphic equivalents, Montana and Idaho / S.K. Reid and S.L. Dorobek -- Sequence stratigraphy and systems tract development of the Latemar Platform, Middle Triassic of the Dolomites (northern Italy) : outcrop calibration keyed by cycle stacking patterns / R.K. Goldhammer ... [et al.] -- High-resolution sequence stratigraphy in prograding Miocene carbonates : application to seismic interpretation / L. Pomar -- Sequence stratigraphy of Miocene carbonate complexes, Las Negras area, southeastern Spain : implications for quantification of changes in relative sea level / Evan K. Franseen, Robert H. Goldstein, and Tracey E. Whitesell -- Volumetric partitioning and facies differentiation within the Permian upper San Andres Formation of Last Chance Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico / Mark D. Sonnenfeld and Timothy A. Cross -- Ancient outcrop and modern examples of platform carbonate cycles - implications for subsurface correlation and understanding reservoir heterogeneity / P.M. Harris, Charles Kerans, and D.G. Bebout -- Parasequence geometry as a control on permeability evolution : examples from the San Andres and Grayburg Formations in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico / Susan D. Hovorka, H.S. Nance, and Charles Kerans -- Stratigraphic patterns and cycle-related diagenesis of upper Yates Formation, Permian, Guadalupe Mountains / Maria Mutti and J. Antonio (Toni) Simo.