Strategies for chemistry instructional laboratory and curriculum design / Russell G. Larsen, Shonda Monette, and Louis Messerle -- Designing new science laboratories at Mount Saint Mary College : reflections of a faculty shepherd / Lynn E. Maelia -- Leveraging collaborations, conversations and experimentation to create an interdisciplinary science facility / Mary M. Walczak and Paul T. Jackson -- Case study approach to green chemistry impacts on science facility design and operations : Regents Hall of Natural Sciences at St. Olaf College / Paul T. Jackson -- Pressure point : balancing the competing demands of chemistry lab design / Jim Eyth, Michael Reagan, and Alex Wing -- Renovating four general chemistry laboratory rooms at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln / Maark A. Griep, Marilyne Stains, Eric Mailna, and Jonathan Velasco -- From concept to construction : the new Science Pavilion at Saint Vincent College / Steven J. Gravelle, Caryl L. Fish, Matthew A. Fisher, and Jason K. Vohs -- Design of cooperative learning laboratories / Amy Harris Lindsay -- Building flexibility for the undergraduate chemistry laboratory / Christopher S. Kalberg -- Taking center stage : tomorrow's chemistry teaching laboratory / Robert C. Pasersky, Robert J. Schaeffner, and Kevin B. Sullivan
Designing the teaching laboratory
Chemical laboratories-- United States-- Design and construction
Chemistry-- Study and teaching (Higher)-- United States