Rev. ed. of: Autism : identification, education, and treatment. 1999
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Definitions and characteristics of the spectrum / Joel D. Bregman -- Recent neurobiological research in autism / Luke Y. Tsai -- Past, present, and emerging directions in education / V. Mark Durand -- The evolving role, impact, and needs of families / Anton Hecimovic and Susan Gregory -- Early identification of autism spectrum disorders / Elaine M. Gabovitch and Nancy D. Wiseman -- The challenge of early intensive intervention / Jack Scott and Wanda L. Baldwin -- School and parent partnerships in the preschool years / Judith S. Bloch, Joan Weinstein, and Martin Seitz -- Assessment of children with autism / Jan S. Handleman and Lara M. Delmolino -- Teaching students with autism spectrum disorders / Dianne Zager and Nancy Shamow -- Enhancing language and communication development in autism spectrum disorders : assessment and intervention guidelines / Amy M. Wetherby and Barry M. Prizant -- Structuring behavior management strategies and building social competence / Richard Simpson and Kaye Otten -- Medical treatment in autism / Luke Y. Tsai -- Community integration and supported employment / Marcia Datlow Smith and Leslie R. Philippen -- Treatment approaches for autism : evaluating options and making informed choices / Raymond G. Romanczyk and Jennifer M. Gillis