Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-241) and index.
1. General Background: Demographic, Social, Economic, and Political Aspects. The Ottoman and the British Mandate Periods. The Palestinian Arabs after the Establishment of the State of Israel. Demographic Changes. Social Change. Social Localization. Economic Delocalization. Political Marginalization -- 2. Education in the Ottoman and the Mandatory Periods. The Ottoman Period. The Mandatory Period -- 3. Arab Education after the Establishment of Israel: Administrative Issues. Changes over Time. The Stand of the Arab Population. Official Involvement of the Arab Population. Druze Education. Bedouin Education -- 4. Institutions and Pupils. Major Developments. Secondary Schools. Pupils. Co-education. Vocational Education. Private Schools -- 5. Physical and Educational Facilities. School Buildings. Educational Facilities. Educational Gaps among Arab Localities. Mixed Cities -- The Case of Jaffa. The Non-Recognized Villages. Arab Bargaining and Government Response -- 6. Policy, Goals, and Curricula. Assimilation versus Segregation. Goals, Curricula, and Textbooks (1949-1974). Curricula Aims. Restating Goals and Curricula for Arab Schools (1975-1990). The New Curricula -- 7. Teachers and Social Control. Major Developments. Teacher's Training. Women in the Education System. Status and Conditions. Teachers and Control. Military Government. Jewish Teachers. Security Classification. Professional Organization. Political Organization. Teachers and Education for Political Involvement. Democratization of the Arab Schools -- 8. Higher Education. Major Developments. Religion and Educational Attainment. Employment Situation. Work Status. Formal Policy toward the Employment of University Graduates.
Education, empowerment, and control.
Education, empowerment, and control.
Education and state-- Israel.
Education-- Political aspects-- Israel.
Education-- Social aspects-- Israel.
Palestinian Arabs-- Education-- Government policy-- Israel.