Introduction / Gary Genosko -- Pt. I. Young Baudrillard. The Novels of Italo Calvino. Review of William Styron's Set This House on Fire. Germany: Is it a New World? Review of Uwe Johnson's The Border: Toward the Seventh Spring of the German Democratic Republic -- Pt. II. Critique of Mass-Mediated Life. Review of Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media. Technique as Social Practice. Review of Henri Lefebvre's Taking a Position: Against the Technocrats. Ephemeral and Durable. Dialectical Utopia. Utopia: The Smile of the Cheshire Cat. Police and Play. Mass (Sociology of) -- Pt. III. The Poetry of Theory. Stucco Angel -- Pt. IV. Political Bankruptcy on the Left and Right. The Divine Left. Dropping Out of History: Interview with Sylvère Lotringer. Our Theatre of Cruelty -- Pt. V. Ironic Aesthetic Disorders. Barbara Kruger. Olivier Mosset: The Object that is None. Enrico Baj, or Monstrosity Laid Bare by Paint Itself. The Transparency of Kitsch: A Conversation with Enrico Baj