multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research /
William O. Bearden, Richard G. Netemeyer
Second edition
xiv, 537 pages ;
29 cm
"Published in cooperation with the Association for Consumer Research."
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Traits and individual difference variables -- Values -- Involvement, information processing, and price perceptions -- Reactions to advertising stimuli -- Attitudes about the performance of business firms, satisfaction and post-purchase behavior, social agencies and the marketplace -- Sales, sales management, organizational behavior, and interfirm-intrafirm issues
"The Handbook of Marketing Scales, Second Edition represents a compilation of multi-item, self-report measures developed and/or frequently used in consumer behavior and marketing research. As with the first edition, researchers will find this volume useful in reducing the time it takes to locate instruments for survey research in marketing and consumer behavior. A number of measures in this second edition have been used in several studies. Therefore, this book should serve as a guide to the literature for certain topic areas and may spur further refinement of existing measures in terms of item reduction, dimensionality, reliability, and validity. This text may also help identify those areas where measures are needed, thus encouraging further development of valid measures of consumer behavior and marketing constructs."--Jacket