Imagining the whole: ethnography's contemporary efforts to situate itself (1989) -- Requirements for ethnographies of late-twentieth-century modernity worldwide (1991) -- Ethnography in/of the world system: the emergence of multi-sited ethnography (1995) -- The uses of complicity in the changing mise-en-scène of anthropological fieldwork (1997) -- Power on the extreme periphery: the perspective of Tongan elites in the modern world system (1980) -- The problem of the unseen world of wealth for the rich: toward an ethnography of complex connections (1989) -- On eccentricity (1995) -- On ideologies of reflexivity in contemporary efforts to remake the human sciences (1994) -- Critical cultural studies as one power/knowledge like, among, and in engagement with others (1997) -- Sticking with ethnography through thick and thin (1997)