An essay on mind -- A companion to the philosophy of mind, A-Z -- Action (1) -- Action (2) -- Agency -- Anomalous monism -- Artificial intelligence -- Behaviorism -- Belief (1): metaphysics of -- Belief (2): epistemology of -- Chomsky, Noam -- Cognitive psychology -- Computational models of mind -- Concepts -- Conceptual role semantics -- Connectionism -- Consciousness -- Content (1) -- Content (2) -- Davidson, Donald -- Dennett, Daniel C. -- Desire -- Developmental psychology -- Dretske, Fred -- Dualism -- Eliminativism -- Emotion -- Epiphenomenalism -- Explanans/explanandum -- Externalism/internalism -- First-person authority -- Fodor, Jerry A. -- Folk psychology (1) -- Folk psychology (2) -- Functionalism (1) -- Functionalism (2) -- History: medieval and renaissance philosophy of mind -- History: philosophy of mind in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries -- Holism -- Identity theories -- Imagery -- Imagination -- Innateness -- Intentional -- Intention -- Intentionality (1) -- Intentionality (2) -- Introspection -- Language of thought (1) -- Language of thought (2) -- Lewis, David: reduction of mind -- Leibniz's law -- Memory -- Mental representation -- Modularity -- Naturalism -- Natural kind -- Normative -- Ontology -- Pain -- Perception -- Perceptual content -- Phenomenal/phenomenological -- Physicalism (1) -- Physicalism (2): against physicalism -- Possible world -- Practical reasoning -- Property -- Proposition -- Propositional attitudes -- Psychoanalytic explanation -- Psychology and philosophy -- Putnam, Hilary -- Qualia -- Quine, Willard Van Orman -- Radical interpretation -- Rationality -- Reasons and causes -- Reduction -- Representation -- Ryle, Gilbert -- Searle, John R. -- The self -- Self-deception -- Sensation -- Simulation theory and theory theory -- Stalnaker, Robert -- Subjectivity -- Supervenience -- Syntax/semantics -- Teleology -- Thought -- Thought and language -- Turing, Alan -- Twin earth -- Type/token -- The unconscious -- Weakness of will -- The will -- Wittgenstein, Ludwig
This Companion is an alphabetically arranged reference guide to the the philosophy of mind, with a number of entries that survey adjacent fields of interest. The book is introduced by the editor's Essay on the Philosophy of Mind which serves as an overview of the subject, and is closely referenced to the entries in the Companion. Among the entries themselves are several "self-profiles" by leading philosophers in the field, including Chomsky, Davidson, Dennett, Dretske, Fodor, Lewis, Searle and Stalnaker, in which their own positions within the subject are articulated. In some more complex areas, more than one author has been invited to write on the same topic, giving a polarity of viewpoints within the book's overall coverage. --From publisher's description