Introduction / F. Scott Kieff kand Troy A. Paredes -- Part I : Perspectives on theories of intellectual property -- Intellectual Property and the theory of the firm / Daniel F. Spulber -- A transactional view of property rights / Robert P. Merges -- The modularity of patent law / Henry E. Smith -- Forging a new environmental and resource economics paradigm : the contractual bases for exchange / Terry L. Anderson and Gary D. Libecap -- Privatizing the Public Domain / Michael B. Abramowicz -- Part II : Perspectives on the problems of anticommons and patent thickets -- Engineering a deal : toward a private ordering solution to the anticommons problem / F. Scott Kieff and Troy A. Paredes -- Understanding the RAND commitment / Douglas Lichtman -- Embryonic inventions and embryonic patents : prospects, prophecies, and pedis possessio / John F. Duffy -- Innovation and its discontents / Adam B. Jaffe and Josh Lerner -- Part III : Perspectives on finance and commercialization -- Patents as options / Shaun Martin and Frank Partnoy -- Access to finance and the technological innovation : a historical experiment / Stephen Haber -- The decline of the independent inventor : a Schumpeterian story? / Naomi R. Lamoreaux and Ken Sokoloff -- Part IV : Perspectives on the university innovation -- University software ownership and litigation : a first examination / Arti K. Rai, John R. Allison, and Bhaven Sampat
The impact of the Bayh-Dole Act on Genetic Research and Development : evaluating the arguments and empirical research to date / Charles R. McManis and Sucheol Noh -- Patents, material transfers and access to research inputs in biomedical research / John P. Walsh, Charlene Cho, and Wesley M. Cohen -- Are universities the new patent trolls? / Mark Lemley -- Part V : Perspectives on international considerations -- Successful factors for commercializing the results of research and development in Emerging Economies : a preliminary study of ITRI in Taiwan / Paul C. B. Liu, Kuang-Wei Chueh, and Galland M. Y. Ger -- Commercializing university research : beyond economic incentives / E. Richard Gold and Tal Srulovicz
"This book offers diverse perspectives on the problems of commercializing innovation, as well as new insights and possible solutions to many of those problems. It begins with a collection of chapters on the theoretical underpinnings of modern intellectual property regimes. It then turns to the legal and economic realities facing attorneys, business leaders, and creative professionals alike. Taking seriously the idea that one size rarely fits all and that local knowledge is always instructive, the book embraces a dicerse set of international perspectices. This book offers a blend of thought-provoking policy analysis, empirical research, and concrete solutions to both present and future problems"--