Machine generated contents note: 1. Equivalent single degree of freedom system and free vibration; 2. Vibration of a single degree of freedom system under constant and purely harmonic excitation; 3. Responses of a SDOF spring-mass-damper system to periodic and arbitrary forces; 4. Vibration of two degrees of freedom systems; 5. Finite and infinite (continuous) dimensional systems; References; Appendix A; Appendix B; Appendix C
"In this book, all the basic concepts in mechanical vibrations are clearly identified and presented in a concise and simple manner with illustrative and practical examples. Vibration concepts include a review of selected topics in mechanics; a description of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems in terms of equivalent mass, equivalent stiffness, and equivalent damping; a unified treatment of various forced response problems (base excitation and rotating balance); an introduction to systems thinking, highlighting the fact that SDOF analysis is a building block for multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) and continuous system analyses via modal analysis; and a simple introduction to finite element analysis to connect continuous system and MDOF analyses"--
"In this textbook all the basic concepts in mechanical vibrations are clearly identified and presented in a concise and simple manner with illustrative and practical examples. Vibration concepts include a review of selected topics in mechanics; a description of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems in terms of equivalent mass, equivalent stiffness, and equivalent damping; a unified treatment of various forced response problems (base excitation and rotating balance); an introduction to systems thinking, highlighting the fact that SDOF analysis is a building block for multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) and continuous system analyses via modal analysis; and a simple introduction to finite element analysis to connect continuous system and MDOF analyses. There are more than 60 exercise problems, and a complete solutions manual. The use of MATLAB® software is emphasised"--