Includes bibliographical references (p. 256-263) and index
Kant's Metaphysics of morals : the history and significance of its deferral / Manfred Kuehn -- Reason, desire, and the will / Stephen Engstrom -- Justice without virture / Katrin Klikschuh -- Kant's innate right as a rational criterion for human rights / Otfried Höffe -- Intelligible possession of objects of choice / B. Sharon Byrd -- Punishment, retribution, and the coercive enforcement of right / Allen W. Wood -- Moral feelings in the Metaphysics of morals / Paul Guyer -- What is the enemy of virture? / Jeanine Grenberg -- Freedom, primacy, and perfect duties to oneself / Lara Denis -- Duties to and regarding others / Robert N. Johnson -- Duties regarding animals / Patrick Kain -- Kant's Tugendlehre as normative ethics / Thomas E. Hill, Jr