The biology and troubleshooting of facultative lagoons /
Michael H. Gerardi ; illustrations by Brittany Lytle
1 online resource
Wastewater microbiology series
Includes bibliographical references and index
Overview -- Introduction -- Carbon and Energy Substrates -- Microbial Interactions -- The Facultative Lagoon -- Lower Life Forms -- Bacteria -- Archaea -- Fungi -- Bioaugmentation -- Purple and Green Sulfur Bacteria -- Pathogens and Disinfection -- Algae -- Green Algae and Diatoms -- Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) -- Algae, Alkalinity, and pH -- Control Measures for Undesired Algal Growth -- Higher Life Forms -- Protozoa -- Metazoa -- Plants -- Cattails and Bulrushes -- Duckweed and Watermeal -- Weed Problems -- Large Aquatic and Terrestial Animals -- Insects -- Fish -- Animal Control -- Sludge and Odors -- Sludge Accumulation and Disposal -- Reed Beds -- Odors -- Monitoring -- Nitrification -- BOD and TSS -- Monitoring Parameters -- Troubleshooting Notes
Biology and troubleshooting of facultative lagoons